Well, here it is, my Portrait Tattoo of my angels Jack and Samuel.

This was done this evening, Tuesday December 5th 2006.  Started at 6.00pm and finished at 9.30pm.
I am still to have the *shading* all around the outside of both the Portraits, BUT, the pain got so intense after the hours of sitting, that I just couldn't take anymore.

Clive said it would be about another half an hour to add the shading in, but I just couldn't take
anymore of the pain :( The outline was bearable but the shading was excrutiating.

Clive had to keep going over and over the same places time and time again, to get the shading to be exactly right, I mean shading is painful anyway, but when it has to be done at least 3 times in the same place,
it is unbearable, truly it is :(

We are going to give this time to heal and then I am due back in about 4-5 weeks to have the white shading continued around the outside of the Portraits
to completely finish them off.

~ Getting the design  in place ~

(The little Dots you can see inside the Portrait itself, are the lines that Clive uses to determine where
the shading is to go).

~ Below: Stencil in place and ready to start outlining ~

~ Outlining ~

~ Below: Still Tattooing the Outline ~

~ Below:  Outline Finished ~


~ Below: IN AGONY ~

(Just check out those frown lines of pain lol)

~ Below: Finished for tonight ~

(Everything is finished as can be, except for the shading on the Outside of the Portraits
which I am going back for in about 4-5 weeks time when this has had time to heal)

~ Below: With my awesome Artist Clive and our Ben ~


~ Below: Tattoo finished until shading to be done in a few weeks time ~

Oh how I wish I could have had the Pain Threshold to finish this tonight. I so wish I could have, but I was
feeling very cold and pretty weak at the end of those hours and just couldn't, but I so wish I could have :(

Clive just has the shading left to do and some finishing off little bits to fully complete it, but by 9.30pm
it was late, I was in agony and I couldn't take another needle, lol!!

The pictures below of my Tattoos doesn't do it any justice at all, I will get Andrew to take some more and
change them when it has healed, but this gives you all a rough idea on how it looks :)


~ Below: Finished Portrait with Clive holding the originals he Tattooed from ~

The Photos I chose to have Tattooed are the ones I have with Jack with his little hat pulled back
to show his beautiful hair and the one of Sam just after he was born, just a few minutes old wrapped in his special blanket.

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